Thursday, October 7, 2010

Life As We Knew It by Susan Beth Pfeffer

This is another apocalyptic tale, but this one is a YA read and never once do you forget that! While not an altogether bad read, it might be a little tricky for most adults to get through as it's written in journal entry format in the voice of a 16 year old girl. I love the journal entry format of writing (ie. Bram Stoker's Dracula) but wasn't all to crazy about nearly 400 pages of teen girl talk.

The main character of the book is Miranda. She's your typical teen, in the sadly all too typical divorced family scenario well known of today. An asteroid hits the moon knocking it closer to the earth and affecting the gravitational pull and all that entails. Immediately, the earth begins to experience tsunamis and the coast lines being swallowed into the sea. Shortly, that is followed by earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. And soon, killing frosts in the middle of the summer are experienced. The insanity that comes from shortages on electricity, food, gas, water, and all the comforts we have come to depend on, are imagined and touched on. Miranda's family is smart and prepared, but is it enough to survive?

While not a stellar book, it's easy enough to get through and it's entertaining. If you just want to read something, then I guess pick this one up.