Sunday, May 9, 2010

Blue Moon by Laurell K Hamilton

And since I was still craving more Anita after I finished Killing Dance, I picked up again another favorite of the series, Blue Moon(book 8). This one focuses heavily on the shifters. It's practically Richards book. I can't really tell you much and have it make any sense, there's way too much back story. But the general gist is that Anita has to run to Richards rescue out in Tennessee(they're from St. Louise) and bail him out of jail for a crime that in noway did he or would he ever commit. (By the way, Anita and Richard are pretty much estranged at this point in the series, so there's plenty of angsty and awkward moments.) There is a lot of drama and mystery around what's happening in this little town and why Richard is at the heart of it. You meet a lot of new vamps and weres in this book. Anita learn more about the triumvirate marks and about her own powers as a necromancer. And just in case you were wondering, yes there is a very steamy scene in this one. This book is pretty violent and twisted though, so be weary if you're weak to that kind of stuff.

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