Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Dead in the Family by Charlaine Harris

Dead in the Family is book 10 in the Sookie Stackhouse, Southern Vampire series. Compared to book 9, this one is a sure winner. But in comparison to other books in the series, it's lacking.

So in this "episode", we find Sookie recouping from the torture she endured at the hands of evil faeries in the short, but deadly Fae war that took place in book 9. She's pissed and scared. Her only comfort is her vampire hunky-honey-bunny Eric Northman, who is the "sheriff" of area 5 and owner of the vamp bar, Fangtasia. But even that is tainted with Eric having to smooth out the rough edges left over from the hostile take-over of Louisiana by Nevada vamps in book 8. And more danger for Eric comes in the form of Eric's creator/vamp daddy coming into town to try and get his aid curing his "brother" from the crazies. *Note, never turn a violently attempted-murder victim into a vamp... it won't turn out well!* Also, the drama of the "two-natured" reveal from book 9 is at a fever pitch, with the government trying to impose a national registry for all shifters. Claude, Sookie's faerie cousin, wants to move in with her since his sister died in the Fae war protecting Sook. He's in need of some Fae blood company. And the discovery of more faeries(that aren't Claude) wondering around Sookie's property is making Sook all kinds of nervous since the Fae world was sealed off after the war. Oh and Bill is still sick from the silver poisoning he got in book 9 saving Sook, and is in need of "family" blood to get better. (That was an under the radar story line to me, but ended interestingly enough.)

This book is busy and chock full o' story lines, making it interesting and entertaining. At times, it's a bit dull and leaves you wondering "what's the point?", when dealing with the vamp politics. It wasn't the best Sookie book, but it wasn't the worst either, so I guess it counts more in the "like" category for me.

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