Tuesday, May 11, 2010

The Forest of Hands and Teeth by Carrie Ryan

I read this book because a dear friend asked me to. It was good. Definitely not the usual teen fantasy novel, as this one deals in zombies and not shifters or vamps. I liked it because it was different. I'm easily disturbed by zombie stuff and post-apocalyptic things as well, and while it didn't bother me until the end... bother me it did! I'm a wee bit phobic about a zombie outbreak folks.

So the run down. The main character, Mary, lives in a small village fenced off from the rest of the world because the world is now overrun by zombies, AKA the Unconsecrated. The kids have never known anything other then this village. Things like the ocean and skyscrapers and the such are foreign and mystical concepts to these youngsters. They are taught by the Sisterhood and protected by the Guardians. Once they reach baby making age, they are paired and married and encouraged to procreate to keep the human race alive. If you don't get paired off by the marrying age, then you're either put into the Sisterhood or the Guardians. Mary loses both her parents to the Unconsecrated, her older brother rejects her, and no one selects her for the marriage ceremony. So at a crappy time in her life, she is forced into the Sisterhood where she discovers that there are plenty of things that the villagers have not been told and that life outside the fence might exists.

Full of action and romance and mystery, it's an entertaining read. I think a younger audience would definitely enjoy it, but most adults might be able to dig into it as well. It wasn't the best book I've ever read, and I would never re-read it, but it was entertaining.

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